This book generates a dummy cpunk message which is deleted by the final remailer. This creates cover traffic for your mail. JBN2 will generate dummy traffic automatically if you configure your Send Profile to do so. This book may be used to manually create supplemental dummy traffic when needed.
Example use:
If you send two messages through the Squirrel remailer, enter Squirrel as the first remailer in this book's chain, and queue the message. In this way it looks like you sent three messages instead of two to Squirrel. (You can also leave the first remailer as "AUTO" for a generic dummy message.)
You can leave this text in the message.
1 - Garbage instructs JBN2 to add an amount of random garbage during message creation. It is removed by the remailer (unless you specify a different Cutmarks directive). You can see the Garbage added by using Preview mode.
2 - Inflate instructs the remailer to add random garbage to the message before remailing it. If the remailer includes Garbage, the Inflate garbage will also be removed by the next remailer, becuase Garbage also adds a Cutmarks directive. Because remailers generally use repgp or remix when sending to other remailers, an outside observer cannot tell that the message has been artificially inflated. Inflate and Garbage cause the message to grow and shrink randomly as the message propagates.
3 - The final remailer uses a Null directive in lieu of Anon-To, causing the remailer to discard the message.
4 - Adjust the amount of garbage and inflation to reflect the typical size message you send, and save this Template. If the Inflate and Garbage directives are approximately balanced, the message will grow or shrink randomly. Remember: JBN2 adds garbage, the remailer removes it. The remailer adds inflation which the next remailer removes.